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Microsoft Excel 2003 in hindi

Microsoft Excel 2003 in hindi

Microsoft Excel 2003 in hindi

हेलो दोस्तों स्वागत है आपका इस पोस्ट में आज की इस पोस्ट में हम Microsoft Excel 2003 के बारे में जानने वाले हैं , Microsoft Excel में हर tool को मैं आपको hindi में बताने वाला हूँ तो आपसे निवेदन है कि आप इस पोस्ट को पूरा पढ़ें, ताकि आपको Microsoft Excel 2003 के बारे में हिन्दी में जानकारी मिल सके । 

Microsoft Excel 2003 in hindi एक spreadsheet application है Microsoft Excel 2003 से command menu आधारित होते हैं ।

यह Microsoft Excel 2007 के पहले का version है ।

Microsoft Excel 2003 greed line की तरह दिखाई देता है जो row और column के combination से बनता है जिसे हम worksheet कहते हैं ।

Microsoft Excel 2003 में नौ menu होते हैं जो इस तरह हैं ।

File, Edit, View, Insert, Format, Tool, Data, window और help


Microsoft Excel 2003 in Home Tab

Microsoft Excel 2003 in Home Tab of Clipboard tool This tool the command which are use to cut, copy and paste a certain selected text or range of text or values.

Microsoft Excel 2003 in Home Tab of Font tool – This tool use for font formatting of a selected text or values like changing font, size and color of text values and making them bold, italic or underline .

Microsoft Excel 2003 in Home Tab of Alignment tool – This group of tool use to manipulate or paragraph or sentence in the workbook like setting alignment, Paragraph indent, wrapping the text etc .

Microsoft Excel 2003 in Home Tab of Number tool this tool use to take use of function and formula in the cell of worksheet.

Microsoft Excel 2003 in Home Tab of Style tool This content the worksheet or cell formatting tools, help formatting or a cell or worksheet as per the need.

Microsoft Excel 2003 in Home Tab of Cell tool this tool use to manipulate the cell in the worksheet like instruction, deletion and formatting of a cell.

Microsoft Excel 2003 in Home Tab Editing tool this tool use to take use of command like find and replace data validation, shorting and filtering.


Microsoft Excel 2003 in Insert Tab

Microsoft Excel 2003 in Insert Tab of Table tool This tool use to manipulate the table in the worksheet and using pivot table.

Microsoft Excel 2003 in Insert Tab of Illustration tool Illustration as per the name content the command use to insert picture, clip art, shape and smart art.

Microsoft Excel 2003 in Insert Tab of Charts - Chart are the pictorial representation of data fact and record. This group content variety of chart to be use in the worksheet.

Microsoft Excel 2003 in Insert Tab of Hyperlink Hyperlink redirect use to the specified page or network following by ctrl key + Click.

Microsoft Excel 2003 in Insert Tab of Text and Link These group of command are use to manipulate the word in the cell of the worksheet like Header and Footer, WordArt, Symbol, Signature, line and object.


Microsoft Excel 2003 in Page layout Tab

Microsoft Excel 2003 in Page layout Tab of Theme tool – These command are use to set theme and editing a theme color, effect in the cell of a worksheet.

Microsoft Excel 2003 in Page layout Tab of Page setup this group content the commands to set the page property like paper size, margin, orientation and page selection break.

Microsoft Excel 2003 in Page layout Tab of Scroll to fit This content scaling tolls like setting height and width and scaling values in percentage.

Microsoft Excel 2003 in Page layout Tab of Sheet Option This group content the command or tool to show or hide heading view and gridline and allowing certain heading or the gridline to be printed or not.

Microsoft Excel 2003 in Page layout Tab of Arrange – This content command set the order of a certain entity in the worksheet and alignment and rotation of that.


Microsoft Excel 2003 in Formula Tab

Microsoft Excel 2003 in Formula Tab of Function Library tool – As per the name, this content the bizarre of function to be use in the worksheet like logical function, Text Function, Date and Time Function.

Microsoft Excel 2003 in Formula Tab of Defined Name tool the group of command is used to take use of name manager which that are use in the function and formula in the worksheet.

Microsoft Excel 2003 in Formula Tab of Formula auditing tool This group content the command related to formula auditing like showing. Checking and evaluating the formula.

Microsoft Excel 2003 in Formula Tab of Calculation tool – This content the commands who take part in the calculation in the worksheet and provide the calculate option.

Microsoft Excel 2003 in Data Tab

Microsoft Excel 2003 in Data Tab of Get External Data tool – This group of tool is use to import external database to the excel sheet for the data to be use like MS Access, Text file from web or from some other sources.

Microsoft Excel 2003 in Data Tab of connection tool – this tool is use to establish or validate the connection with other database use the excel file.

Microsoft Excel 2003 in Data Tab of Sort and Filter tool This group of tool has the command to short and filter data from database imported or use in the sheet.

Microsoft Excel 2003 in Data Tab of Data tool Group of tool are used to validate, consolidate the data use or imported in the sheet.

Microsoft Excel 2003 in Data Tab of Outline tool this tool use at data tab are used to group, ungroup, subtotal and even show/hide the detail of that.


Microsoft Excel 2003 in Review Tab

Microsoft Excel 2003 in Review Tab of Proofing tool – Proofing tool are use to research with data like spelling checking thesaurus, translate.

Microsoft Excel 2003 in Review Tab of comments tool – this tool puts comments to a particular section or page area and navigation with them as well.

Microsoft Excel 2003 in Review Tab of Changes tool - this tool as per the name change few attributes of the worksheet like protection, sharing, track changing and many more.

Microsoft Excel 2003 in View Tab

Microsoft Excel 2003 in View Tab of workbook view tool this group as the name par contains several view of view of the workbook to be use like normal, page layout, page break previous.

Microsoft Excel 2003 in View Tab of Show/Hide tool Bunch of tool are use to change the show and hide of ruler, formula bar, gridline, heading.

Microsoft Excel 2003 in View Tab of zoom tool tools related to zoom or preview bigger or smaller the worksheet.

Microsoft Excel 2003 in View Tab of windows tool – windows management tool like split, hide, cascade, arrange all.

Microsoft Excel 2003 in View Tab of macro tool macro tool use to do a macro expansion in the workbook like event recording, scripting.


दोस्तों यह था Microsoft Excel 2003 के tools के बारे में एक basic जानकारी ।

आशा करता हूँ आपको यह पोस्ट पढ़ कर काफी मज़ा आया होगा ।

और यह पोस्ट आपके लिए काफी महत्वपूर्ण साबित हुआ होगा ।

दोस्तों अभी Microsoft Excel 2003 के बारे मे मैं आपको और भी tools के बारे मे बताऊंगा जो की आपको अगले post में देखने को मिल जाएगी ।

दोस्तों इस पोस्ट को अपने दोस्तों के साथ शेयर ज़रूर करना ताकि उसको भी इस जानकारी के बेरे में मालूम हो ।





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